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Fritz, the writer, spins a spine-tingling tale to cheer up Karl, the apprentice clockmaker. But rather than helping matters, the story begins to come true....

The stories of Karl, the apprentice; Dr. Kalmenius, his nefarious “savior”; Gretl, the brave daughter of the town innkeeper; and a young prince whose clockwork heart is in danger of winding down come together in surprising and magical ways in a story that has the relentless urgency of a ticking clock.

144 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1996

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About the author

Philip Pullman

272 books24.2k followers
As a passionate believer in the democracy of reading, I don't think it's the task of the author of a book to tell the reader what it means.

The meaning of a story emerges in the meeting between the words on the page and the thoughts in the reader's mind. So when people ask me what I meant by this story, or what was the message I was trying to convey in that one, I have to explain that I'm not going to explain.

Anyway, I'm not in the message business; I'm in the "Once upon a time" business.

Philip Pullman is best known for the His Dark Materials trilogy: The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass, which has been named one of the top 100 novels of all time by Newsweek and one of the all-time greatest novels by Entertainment Weekly. In 2004, he was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. He lives in Oxford, England.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 868 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa of Troy.
518 reviews5,613 followers
September 21, 2023

Karl is a clock-making apprentice who has fallen asleep on the job. He is supposed to have made a figure to go into the city’s famous clock. But he didn’t do it. Then, Fritz enters the inn and tells all gathered a story…..

But how does this story end?

Holy moly…….In 2011, I was in Munich and took a short video of the glockenspiel (which sounds like the clock that inspired this story).

A little closer to home, we have The Meier clock at The Detroit Historical Museum. Louis Meier started to work on the clock in 1892 and completed it in 1904, taking 12 years to finish the clock (while I struggle to get people to even show up for a Zoom call). The clock shows the time, the time in 12 different major cities, the position of the moon, and, at the base, has miniature figures marching around a globe. All to the tune of music created within the clock.

Pullman took something that is extraordinary and created an extraordinary story. These clocks are almost magical.

I really wanted an audiobook to go along with this. There is nothing on Scribd or even Audible. On YouTube, I found an enchanting, delightful reader, Mrs.Bunce Reads, on YouTube. Highly, highly recommend (although it has been two years and she hasn’t posted the entire novel).

This is one book that I read in one day, and I also picked up a buddy reader. When I asked if I could take a break from reading, I was told, “No! I have to find out what happens!”

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews101 followers
August 14, 2021
Clockwork or all wound up, Philip Pullman

Clockwork, or All Wound Up is an illustrated short children's book by Philip Pullman, first published in the United Kingdom in 1996.

Clockwork is set in the town of Glockenheim in Germany in "the old days".

It has three main characters:

Karl, an apprentice clock maker who has failed to make a figure for the town clock.

Gretl, who is a very selfless young girl is also one of the main characters and is the daughter of the innkeeper of Glockenheim.

And Fritz, a local writer whose unfinished story sets the gears of Clockwork turning.

The townspeople gather in the White Horse Tavern the evening before a new figure for their town clock made by Karl is to be unveiled.

Karl, however, admits to Fritz that he has not made the figure, the first apprentice in hundreds of years to fail to do so.

The people in the tavern listen to Fritz read from his latest story about a local aristocrat, Prince Otto, and his young son, Prince Florian.

Prince Otto dies while on a hunting trip. His heart has been replaced with a clockwork mechanism that enables him to drive his son home in their sledge.

Fritz wrote down the story after having a dream, but he has not thought of an ending for it, and hopes that he will be able to think up one on the spot: "He was just going to wind up the story, set it going, and make up the end when he got there."

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز چهاردهم ماه ماه آگوست سال 2014میلادی

عنوان: کوکی؛ نویسنده: فیلیپ پولمن؛ ترجمه فرزاد فربد؛ تهران، پنجره، 1389؛ در 80ص؛ شابک9789647822541؛ چاپ دیگر انتشارات پریان؛ سال 1395؛ در 70ص؛ شابک 9786007058442؛ موضوع داستانهای نوجوانان از نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده 20م

داستانی خیال انگیز در فضای کشور «آلمان» و به سبک «گوتیک» و اسرارآمیز و هوشمندانه است؛ این داستان همانند داستانهای «برادران گریم» و قصه های پریان آغاز میشود، شاگرد ساعت سازی که باید امتحانش را پس بدهد و ساعتی بسازد؛ مردمان از دور و نزدیک، در مهمانخانه ای گرد هم آمده اند، تا آخرین قصه ی «فریتس»، قصه گوی نامدار را بشنوند؛ او قصه ی شاهزاده ای را بازگو میکند، که از شکار برمیگردد؛ تا اینجای قصه هر چیز سر جای خودش قرار دارد، اما طرح واقعی پس از آن آغاز میشود؛ در قلب شاهزاده یک ساعت کار گذاشته شده، و داستان در فضایی ناباورانه و با ساختاری پیچیده پیش میرود

نویسنده به شرح ماجرای شاگرد ساعت‌سازی میپردازد، که در جشن پایان دوره ی خود، بنا بر رسم دیرین شهر، باید تندیسی طراحی کند، تا در مرکز شهر نصب شود؛ او چون هنوز آن کار را انجام نداده، بسیار نگران است؛ در همان زمان، شخصیتی خبیث از یک داستان ترسناک جان میگرد، و گام به دنیای راستین مینهد، و همراه خویش عروسکی کوکی میآورد، که میل به قتل و خونریزی دارد؛ جوان ساعت‌ساز میخواهد آن عروسک را به برج ساعت ببرد، اما به قتل می‌رسد؛ در همین بین عروسک کوکی دیگری، که در آرزوی یک قلب و عشق واقعی است، وارد ماجرا شده، و در برج ساعت، با دخترکی آشنا، و عشق واقعی او را، به سوی خود میکشد، و به انسانی راستین بدل و میتواند همانند یک انسان به زندگی خویش ادامه دهد

نقل از متن: (همه‌ چیز از یک شب زمستانی شروع شد، وقتی که اهالی شهر در مهمانخانهٔ اسب سفید جمع شده بودند، برف از سمت کوه‌ها می‌بارید و باد با بی‌قراری ناقوس‌های برج کلیسا را به حرکت وامی‌داشت؛ پنجره‌ها بخار گرفته بود، بخاری با درخشش می‌سوخت�� «پوتسی» گربهٔ سیاه پیر جلوی بخاری مشغول چرت‌زدن بود و هوا پر از بوی خوش سوسیس، ترشی کلم و تنباکو بود؛ «گرِتل» دختر کوچولوی پیشخدمت، دختر مهمانخانه‌دار، با لیوان‌های دسته‌دار کف‌آلود و بشقاب‌هایی بخارآلود به این‌سو و آن‌سو می‌دوید

در باز شد و دانه‌های سفید و درشت برف با حالتی چرخان وارد اتاق شد تا در برخورد با گرمای تالار محو و آب شود؛ تازه‌ وارد آقای «رینگل‌من ساعتساز»؛ و شاگردش «کارل»؛ بودند که پوتینهاشان را بر زمین کوفتند و برف را از روی پالتوی خود تکاندند

شهردار گفت: «آقای رینگل‌من است! خب، دوست قدیمی، بیا این‌جا پیش من.»؛

کارل با حرکت سر تشکر کرد و رفت تنهایی در گوشه‌ای نشست حالتی غم‌زده و گرفته داشت

شهردار گفت: «جوانک چه‌اش شده؟ انگار کشتی‌هاش غرق شده.»)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 22/05/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Nicky.
4,138 reviews1,069 followers
January 24, 2011
A few days ago, I suddenly had the urge to reread this. On discovering it was £3 on Amazon, I couldn't resist... I was a little less than pleased at not being able to get the edition of this I remember, but it's alright: only the cover is different. The illustrations, the layout, even the font is all the same, so that's alright.

The story has stayed in my mind for at least ten years, now: clockwork hearts and the relentless tick of machinery driving the story on. The prologue used to chill me -- the sense of inevitability, the sharp edge of the mainspring in the alarm clock, sharp enough to draw blood, and dangerous... And I remembered the hapless Karl, because I knew people like him, people who expected to get something for nothing. I remembered Gretl, too, though I do think I wouldn't be half as brave and warm-hearted as her.

I love the little asides from the narrator in the boxes. The story wouldn't be the same without them. It's a peek into what the narrator is really thinking -- it might be as fictional as the story itself, but it rings true, which is what matters.

Glad I bought a copy: I think I'll revisit it again before long. It's quick and easy to read, but there's an enchantment in it.
Profile Image for Sarah Alirezaee.
78 reviews
October 1, 2016
ایده داستان رو واقعا دوست داشتم، کلیتش خیلی خوب بود و به نظرم جا داشت که پرداخته بشه
دو بخشش برام گنگ بود و گنگ موند
این که شاهزادهه از کجا سر و کله‌ش پیدا شد و این که چه طور آخرش پسر واقعی شد
ولی خیلی خوب بود در کل، باید بیشتر از پولمن بخونم ببینم می‌تونم کنار گیمن بذارمش یا نه.
Profile Image for Ashley.
836 reviews552 followers
December 3, 2022
Star Rating: —> 5 Stars

Fantastic; and a quick read at that!

Absolutely chill-inducing, shrouded in that classic page turning mystery feeling, and DARK, but beautiful, & a lovely short story all in one.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend. Philip Pullman is a MASTER storyteller. I SWEAR ON MY AMAZING LIL BBY SPYHNX CAT! Lmao I did name her Lyra Silvertongue (on paper) JUST LYRA IRL, from the His Dark Materials series!!!

Agh, just READ IT! I think it’s around 90 pgs, what’s to lose?! SUCH a great story!
Profile Image for José.
482 reviews269 followers
February 2, 2020
«Cuando se da cuerda a un reloj, hay algo terible en la forma implacable en que avanza a su ritmo. Las manecillas se mueven sin interrupción alrededor de la esfera como si tuvieran inteligencia propia. ¡Tic, tac, tic, tac! Poco a poco van progresando y nos señalan con firmeza el camino hacia la tumba.
Algunas historias son así. Cuando se les ha dado cuerda, nada las detiene; avanzan hasta alcanzar el final previsto. Aunque los personajes deseen con toda sus fuerzas modificar su destino, son incapaces de hacerlo. Esta es una de esas historias».

«El reloj mecánico» es una novela corta de Philip Pullman, autor de la famosa trilogía juvenil «La materia oscura».

En este pequeño libro nos encontramos con una historia que tiene cierto toque de cuento de hadas, donde un aprendiz de relojero que teme al fracaso busca engañar al destino.

Me encantó la forma en la que el autor enlazó diferentes tramas en tan pocas páginas, ya que algunos elementos mágicos que provienen de una historia que narra uno de los personajes comienzan a afectar la vida de los protagonistas.

Es un libro muy lindo e ideal para lectores de todas las edades, pues contiene algunas enseñanzas muy buenas.
Profile Image for Reza Qalandari.
177 reviews6 followers
December 22, 2018
خیلی خوب و بامزه بود، خیلی زیاد :))))

تاحالا ÷یش نیومده بود تو مدت یه هفته یه کتابو دوبار بخونم :))))
Profile Image for David.
Author 18 books371 followers
February 17, 2015
I downloaded this from Audible this morning and listened to it while shoveling snow, wishing I had a clockwork automaton to do that for me.

Philip Pullman's Clockwork is a fairy tale set in Germany in (presumably) the 19th century, in a world where clockwork devices can be made so intricately precise that they can, if constructed by a particularly ingenious clockmaker, pass for little boys. There are elements of Pinocchio, Faust, and any number of Hans Christian Andersen fables in this story that actually weaves three stories together.

There is Franz, the storyteller who entertains the townspeople with fabulous and hair-raising stories, until he ends up invoking someone who shows up in the tavern while Franz is telling a tale about him.

Karl, the clockmaker's apprentice, approaching the day of the end of his apprenticeship where his great creation will emerge from the town clock tower, has a big problem: he hasn't actually created anything. So of course he is pulling his hair out and swearing he'd do anything to get out of this mess, and you know where that leads in fairy tales.

Finally, there is the story of the proud and arrogant prince and his pretty, fashionable wife, in need of an heir. When their only son dies stillborn, the prince goes looking for a replacement, and procures a clockwork boy.

Everything wraps up with the bad getting more or less what they deserved, the good living happily ever after. Pullman is a good storyteller, especially when he stays concise and doesn't drag trilogies off the rails in the final book (*cough* The Amber Spyglass *cough*). Clockwork really is just a modern fairy tale, so don't expect any brilliant subversion or some kind of steampunk twist. 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Ivonne Rovira.
2,069 reviews217 followers
March 21, 2015
Don’t go into the novella-length fable Clockwork expecting something of the inestimable caliber of the His Dark Materials trilogy. I enjoyed this tale of a story told by a tavern’s fireside that comes eerily to life. However, while worth reading, it’s not up to Bill Pullman’s usual high standard.
Profile Image for Xfi.
458 reviews58 followers
March 16, 2018
Pequeña historia, casi diría un cuento clásico, que se lee de un tirón y que deja muy buen sabor de boca.
Tiene su presentación, su dosis de miedo y aventura y como toda buena fábula que se precie, enseñanzas morales.
Muy bonito y muy bien escrito.
Profile Image for Dem.
1,217 reviews1,287 followers
April 15, 2020
3.5 starsReview to follow
Profile Image for Becky.
1,449 reviews1,811 followers
December 16, 2015
I picked this book up on a whim at the thrift store today. I'd never read any of Pullman's 'other' stories, meaning the ones that are not part of the His Dark Materials trilogy, so I wanted to see what this would be like.

From the description, it sounded very different than what it actually was. It was OK, but I had expected better. HDM isn't a favorite of mine, but it would be a lie to say that it didn't affect me. The characters in that book, and their connections with each other, really left a lasting impression. This, not so much. It really felt written for children in a way that The Golden Compass et al was not written for children, and by that, I mean, kind of simplistically and felt kind of dumbed down. I hate using that phrase when talking about children's and young adult books, because I do not think that a book written for children is "dumbed down" when read by an adult. I love children's books and stories, and I continue to enjoy them to this day. But I know that Pullman can write much better than shown here. Much, much better, which is why I use the term.

There was just something that felt missing here. It felt like a story with no life in it, which is ironic given the subject of the story. It felt very "telly" and not at all "showy". I wanted more. I wanted a better resolution, I wanted... something.

If I was 7 or 8, maybe, this story would have been cool. A little twisted, but still with the same recognizable themes. But today, I just didn't feel it, and knowing what Pullman CAN do, I was not at all impressed with what he DID do in this one.
Profile Image for Farjaneh_.
183 reviews99 followers
August 21, 2022
《هو الحق》
داستان کوتاهی جذاب با حال و هوای زمستان🌼🌿
کوکی کتاب معروفی نیست، داستان خیلی خاصی هم نداره اما نکات ریز جذابی در مورد کتاب هست که از همون چند خط اول داستان یقه‌ی شما رو میگیره و دیگه نمیتونید زمین بگذاریدش.
کتاب یک سری آرت خیلی قشنگ داره که بخشی از داستانند، غافلگیر کنندست و لحن و خال و هوای به شدت جذابی داره.
یک سری کادر هم در بین متن کتاب هست که شامل نظرات خود راوی هستند و من خیلی دوستشون داشتم.
داستان کوکی در شهری کوچکی از آلمان اتفاق میوفته و درباره‌ی داستان‌ها و ساعت‌هاست.
خلاصه کنم اگر دنبال کتاب خوب و کوتاهی هستید که جزئیات جذابی داشته باشه بخش ابتدایی کوکی رو بخونید، شما رو با خودش همراه خواهد کرد. 💛🌱
Profile Image for Gabyal.
531 reviews7 followers
March 16, 2018
Me gustó esta historia corta. Los personajes fueron definitivamente únicos y el concepto de "historia dentro de una historia" funcionó en este caso. También me gustó cómo las dos historias convergieron al final. El el primer libro del autor que leo y sencillamente me encantó.

'¡Tic, tac, tic, tac! Algunas historias son así. Una vez que les has dado cuerda, nada las detendrá; avanzan hasta llegar a su destino '...

Libro tren polar
5 reviews
July 30, 2012
Clockwork, Or All Wound Up

‘Tick, tock, tick, tock! Some stories are like that. Once you have wound them up, nothing will stop them; they move on forward till they reach their destined end’….

This is unquestionably one of those books that you just can’t put down. With a cliff-hanger on every page, the suspense is tangible throughout and, at times, almost unbearable. The author alludes to a series of tragic events from the offset with his ominous announcement that, ‘no matter how much the characters would like to change their fate, they can’t’. From this moment on, Pullman’s masterful ability to create tension and a sense of foreboding, makes us all too aware that time is running out. Just like clockwork.

The story takes place on a winters evening in an old German town called Glockenheim. In the first chapter we are introduced to Karl, the clock-makers apprentice who on the eve of unveiling his masterpiece faces ridicule for his failure to produce a new clockwork figure to be presented in the tower. Desperate and resigned to his fate he joins a host of colourful characters in the local tavern to hear a talented novelist read his latest story.

Fritz, renowned for his ghostly tales, has a predicament of his own, as he is yet to come up with a suitable ending to this particular story. Yet, unlike Karl, he is an optimist and so he begins to enthral his audience with his most terrifying and horrific tale to date.

For me, this is where this book comes into its own because it is a story within a story; the one Fritz recites, as good as the other. At this early stage, already, at least three suggestions for how this book can be applied in a classroom, including; a comprehension task simply drawing the tavern scene and the characters involved, class discussions about optimism / pessimism or how we can deal with things that we are finding difficult, and then relating our experiences with those of the central characters. (Please, bear in mind, we are only on page 21).

Anyway, Fritz’s story is fantastic, mysterious, and horrific all at the same time and I absolutely cannot wait to read it to a class of unsuspecting pupils. Particularly as it culminates with a sinister character, from the story, suddenly entering the tavern. “Creative writing anyone? Who can write the scariest ghost story?”

Captivating from page one this book is simultaneously beautiful, enchanting and haunting; a story that will keep children guessing every step of the way. It is dark, it is scary but it is absolutely brilliant! And, I’ve not even mentioned Gretl, our heroine and possibly the only really 'good' person in this story, or the deadly knight, or the polite cat named Putzi.

Yes, sometimes the characters seem a little one-dimensional, and I am not for one moment suggesting that ‘Clockwork’ is Philip Pullman’s best work because it is not by a long, long way. However, it is a beautifully crafted fairy-tale, an excellent transition for children moving on to more sophisticated literature and it is absolutely littered with great material for lessons. From creative writing, illustrated storyboards, discussions about greed, good and evil through to role-play. This book has it in abundance and all in 92 pages. I loved it from the moment I picked it up.

If you have not read ‘Clockwork’, read it and hopefully you’ll see its potential, as I did. I would recommend whole-heartedly that it should be taught to year 5 / 6, even if, for the sole purpose of encouraging children to read more Philip Pullman.
Profile Image for Farah.
174 reviews34 followers
October 1, 2010
pro-cras-ti-nate (verb)
delay or postpone action; put off doing something.
ORIGIN late 16th cent.:
from latin procrastinat- 'deffered until tomorrow,' from the verb procrastinare , from pro- 'forward' + crastinus 'belonging to tomorrow' .

Clockwork merupakan buku terbaik dari buku-buku Philip Pullman yang sudah gue baca. Lebih singkat daripada I was a rat! dan lebih simpel dari The fireworks maker's daughter.

Buku ini menyentil gue banget. Yeah, I am Karl. The lazy bastard. A frikkin procrastinator for life.
Udah tahu bahwa menunda2 sesuatu ngga akan membawa kita kemana-mana, tapi tetep aja menunda segala sesuatunya sampe last minute dan berharap tiba-tiba 5 karung kacang mede panggang jatuh dari langit tanpa harus repot2 menanam pohon jambu monyet.

Dan hebatnya, gue benci juga dong sama orang-orang sejenis. Orang2 yang seneng banget mengerjakan segala sesuatunya last minute, nyusahin semua orang.

Oh well, mungkin itu adalah bedanya gue sama orang-orang itu. I do procrastinate, but for myself only. Tapi ngga nyusahin orang lain. Bukan tipe-tipe yang kerja kelompok, terus pas dua hari kerjaannya mau due baru deh dateng sambil ngeluh, "aduh gue ngga dapet bahannya nih.. gimana yah?"
* langsung dong gue menyiapkan racun di tangan kiriku, dan madu beracun di tangan kananku.*

Gue mungkin ngga semulia Gretl. Tapi gue juga ngga jauh beda sih ama Fritz. Tapi ya sudahlah.
Bahkan menulis ini pun, gue menunda mengerjakan sesuatu yang tidak gue senangi.
Satu lagi yang gue pelajari dari buku ini, dan dari pengalaman hidup: Bekerja itu harus dengan hati, harus dengan senang hati. Kalau kita senang dengan pekerjaan kita, ngga akan ada lagi tuh alesan buat menunda-nunda.
Profile Image for Mia Prasetya.
401 reviews257 followers
February 8, 2010
Pinjaman dari Hilda, saya suka buku ini. Semakin kagum dengan Philip Pullman, kali ini seakan saya diajak baca bareng dengan beliau berkat bantuan kolom berisi gambar dan ucapan yang ditujukan kepada kita. Top banget deh!

Pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil kali ini dari buku peraih silver medal :

- jangan jadi orang yang pesimis! nanti bakalan mati ketebas pedang!
- tidak ada seniman yang bertemperamen kasar, itu murni karena orangnya saja yang dodol.
- jangan takut gagal karena kalau kita takut gagal kita tidak akan pernah berusaha semaksimal mungkin.
- percaya dengan kekuatan pikiran, kalau kita berpikir bisa, pasti bisa!

Satu lagi yang paling saya suka : Yang telah diberikan harus dijaga

Cerita memang tidak sespektakuler I was a rat, tapi 4 bintang untuk nilai moral yang ditekankan Pullman di buku ini. Suatu saat, saya berjanji pada diri sendiri, anak anak saya kelak harus membaca buku novel anak seperti ini.
Profile Image for Harriet Mitchell.
40 reviews9 followers
February 15, 2017
I wasn't expecting this book to knit together as cleverly as it does. The idea of it being a horror book also put me off for a while as this is not a genre I typically enjoy. I decided to at least give the book a chance as I'm such a huge fan of Pullman's other works.
I have not been disappointed.

Update: 2017
I have now read the book as a shared read with my Year 5s who loved it. It has been the focus of most of our literacy work this half term. Most importantly, the class were hooked on the story from beginning to end, desperate to find out how the characters all wound up.
Profile Image for Jonathan VM.
70 reviews5 followers
April 1, 2021
Este libro me hizo recordar porqué Philip Pullman es mi autor favorito. En esta historia, sencilla en apariencia, pero bien estructurada, el autor sorprende y divierte.

Para ser un cuento dirigido a un público infantil, de momentos resulta una narración muy oscura y con escenas algo desconcertantes, además de ello, el final es muy del estilo Grimm.

Una historia ligera que, sí ya conoces al autor te sorprenderá bastante; y si no lo conoces aún, es entonces totalmente recomendable para adentrarte en su literatura.
Profile Image for Mahdi.
46 reviews37 followers
August 18, 2021
خلاقانه و شیرین و جذاب و دوست‌��اشتنی.
کاش کاش کاش یه کتاب طولانی و قطور بود، نه هفتاد صفحه.
Profile Image for ijul (yuliyono).
681 reviews957 followers
May 8, 2011
WOW de BEST dah... LOVE it SO MUCH

Serius, speechless aku mau ngomentarin nih buku, AMAZING. Dua plot yang seolah nggak nyambung kok bisa jadi satu? Ini buku fantasy, jadi lupakan beberapa kejanggalan. Ini buku anak-anak, jadi temani putra-putri-ponakan Anda ketika kebetulan membaca novel ini. Terangkan hal-hal yang perlu diterangkan, meskipun secara khusus Philip Pullman telah memberikan wejangan-wejangan-nya dalam kotak yang ada di beberapa halamannya. Beberapa terkesan menggurui, terkesan seperti keluar dari mulut para motivator ulung, tapi bagiku sangat mengena, cerdas, dan lugas. Just wonderful! Love it! Love it!

Karakterisasinya mantap, plotnya superb, dan yang jelas terdapat beberapa bagian yang mendebarkan. Dan, sekali lagi, pesan moral yang disampaikan oleh sang penulis begitu mudah untuk ditangkap dan dicerna. Nggak salah deh kalau buku ini memang dilabeli Pemenang Silver Medal Smarties Prize.

Dan, terkhusus buat yang nerjemahin, terima kasih telah menghadirkan suasana yang begitu sempurna dalam ragam olah kalimatmu, Mbak Poppy.
Profile Image for Arezu Wishka.
266 reviews241 followers
July 15, 2014
تیک تاک، تیک تاک! بعضی داستان‌ها این جوری‌اند. وقتی کوک‌شان کنی دیگر هیچ‌چیز نمی‌تواند جلوشان را بگیرد…

هنرمند واقعی سرگرم کارش می شود و جنجال به پا نمی کند.

ما می توانیم آینده را در دست بگیریم همان طور که یک ساعت را کوک می کنیم. به خودت بگو: من در این رقابت برنده خواهم ش- اول خواهم شد- و مثل ساعت آینده‌ات را کوک کن. دنیا جز اطاعت چاره ای ندارد! آیا عقربه های آن ساعت قدیمی گوشه ی تالار می توانند از حرکت بایستند؟ آیا فنرهای داخل ساعت مچی ات می توانند خود را جمع و باز کنند؟ نه.

برام تداعی ترکیبی از ادوارد دست قیچی و داستان برف، آینه، سیب های نیل گیمن بود. مجموعه ای از عناصر تکراری، قلب هایی که از جا در میان و بی جان هایی که جاندار می شن و...مثل اینکه یه جورایی پینوکیو و سفید برفی رو توی یه کابوس دیده باشی و داستانش قاطی شده باشه.
تنها خوبی ای که داشت این بود که پایانش رو واضح نمی تونستم حدس بزنم اما افتضاح تموم شد. دوس نداشتم پایانش رو! اصلاً درکش نکردم! یهو سطح داستان سقوط کرد برام.
فقط به چینش خوبش سه ستاره می دم.
Profile Image for Livresse de Lola.
326 reviews131 followers
May 25, 2022
J’ai appréhendé cette histoire comme un petit conte pour enfant très adapté pour une histoire à faire peur en cas de soirée pyjama, et c’est exactement ce que j’ai eu !

J’ai beaucoup aimé cette petite histoire, elle n’était pas transcendante au point de me marquer à vie, mais c’est un conte que je relirai avec grand plaisir.

Le côté rouage Steampunk était super cool avec tout l’univers des automates et de l’horlogerie, et j’ai aimé les petits plots twists. L’histoire bien que faisant 120 pages seulement ne manquait pas de contexte et m’a semblée réellement bien aboutie.

Forcément qui dit conte dit morale de fin, et celle-ci est très belle et pure aussi bien pour les enfants que pour les adultes.
Profile Image for J Jahir.
1,033 reviews86 followers
March 16, 2018
qué bonito libro, aunque muy cortito, me ha gustado mucho. Desarrollado en un país real con un toque fantástico, interesante lo de los relojes mecánicos y los distintos personajes. Me gustó mucho la historia del príncipe Florian. Pensaba que me iba a faltar más (obviamente sí hubiera sido genial que hubiera más desarrollo, pero para ser una novelita corta tuvo buen cierre). muy entretenida que se la quema uno de una sentada, no tardas ni la hora en leerlo.
Profile Image for Ivana Đinđić.
39 reviews8 followers
June 25, 2020
Nakon čitalačke krize u koju me je poslala Kirka, "stvar vadi" stari dobri Pulman i njegova priča za male i velike. Divna priča o dobru i zlu, hrabrosti. Uživala sam beskrajno, preporuka ogromna. 5 ⭐ dajem pevajući. Samo bih volela da je uživanje duže potrajalo, priča je imala potencijal da bude duža.
Profile Image for Mike Grosso.
Author 2 books43 followers
March 28, 2017
YA Horror that has some very cool, creepy pictures and some great imagery. As a result, there are probably some parents who thought it was a middle grade story and got this for their kids only to get upset by the horror aspect.

You could easily read it in one afternoon, as this is pretty much a short story with slick presentation. If I had paid for this I might be upset at its short short short legnth, but I got it from the library and enjoyed it during the afternoon it took to read.

As far as Pullman's work, this ranks below His Dark Materials but higher than The White Mercedes, which are all I've read of his so far.
Profile Image for Pranta Dastider.
Author 18 books317 followers
April 5, 2017
This book is a work of pure brilliance! I have never read anything like this, and I doubt I will ever again. The concept felt genuine, and execution was perfect. Whole book captured a bizarre atmosphere. Artwork worked towards making it darker. Its as real as it is a fairy tale. If you ever wanted to start with Philip Pullman's works, this is a nice choice.
Profile Image for Jimmakos Gavagias.
177 reviews31 followers
September 11, 2018
Ωραια ιστορια, εχει και κατι διδακτικο( δεν ξερω τι το διαβασα στη ξαπλωστρα) σε γενικες γραμμες καλο
Profile Image for Elentarri.
1,714 reviews35 followers
September 22, 2022
This was one of the options I got from the library for a "steampunk" novel.  I'm not sure about the steampunk, but there is clockwork in this story.  Clockwork is a short, originally illustrated, children's story set in the town of Glockenheim in Germany, in the "old days".  It has a charming fairytale vibe - something of a mishmash from Pinochio, Faust and a few other fairytales, with a moral lesson attached.  I'm not so sure it's suitable for little children, but may be ok for younger teenagers.  This is a story within a story, which eventually merges.  Clockwork was a fun little story to listen to while mixing up a cake.
Profile Image for G Beulah.
31 reviews2 followers
October 26, 2018
Read this in one sitting! A perfect read for something a little spooky around Halloween. Well-crafted story with the feel of a traditional tale. This story weaves masterfully between the narrative arc and that of the meta-story written by Fritz. Blurring the lines between the real and the imagined, this quick read is captivating and enjoyable.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 868 reviews

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