Introduction: Why Things Catch On 1(28)
Why $100 is a good price for a cheesesteak
Why do some things become popular?
Which is more important, the message or the messenger?
Can you make anything contagious?
The case of the viral blender
Six key STEPPS
1 Social Currency
When a telephone booth is a door
Ants can lift fifty times their own weight
Why frequent flier miles are like a video game
When it's good to be hard to get
Why everyone wants a mix of tripe, heart, and stomach meat
The downside of getting paid
We share things that make us look good
2 Triggers
Which gets more word of mouth, Disney or Cheerios?
Why a NASA mission boosted candy sales
Could where you vote affect how you vote?
Consider the context
Explaining Rebecca Black
Growing the habitat: Kit Kat and coffee
Top of mind, tip of tongue
3 Emotion
Why do some things make the Most E-Mailed list?
How reading science articles is like standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon
Why anger is like humor
How breaking guitars can make you famous
Getting teary eyed about online search
When we care, we share
4 Public
Is the Apple logo better upside down than right side up?
Why dying people turn down kidney transplants
Using moustaches to make the private public
How to advertise without an advertising budget
Why anti-drug commercials might increase drug use
Built to show, built to grow
5 Practical Value
How an eighty-six-year-old made a viral video about corn
Why hikers talk about vacuum cleaners
E-mail forwards are the new barn raising
Will people pay to save money?
Why $100 is a magic number
When lies spread faster than the truth
News you can use
6 Stories
How stories are like Trojan horses
Why good customer service is better than any ad
When a streaker crashed the Olympics
Why some story details are unforgettable
Using a panda to make valuable virality
Information travels under the guise of idle chatter
Why 80 percent of manicurists in California are Vietnamese
Applying the STEPPS
Acknowledgments 211(4)
Notes 215(20)
Index 235