INTRODUCTION The Statue That Didn't Look Right 3(15)
ONE The Theory of Thin Slices: How a Little Bit of Knowledge Goes a Long Way 18(30)
TWO The Locked Door: The Secret Life of Snap Decisions 48(24)
THREE The Warren Harding Error: Why We Fall For Tall, Dark, and Handsome Men 72(27)
FOUR Paul Van Riper's Big Victory: Creating Structure for Spontaneity 99(48)
FIVE Kenna's Dilemma: The Right-and Wrong-Way to Ask People What They Want 147(42)
SIX Seven Seconds in the Bronx: The Delicate Art of Mind Reading 189(56)
CONCLUSION Listening with Your Eyes: The Lessons of Blink 245(10)
Notes 255(8)
Acknowledgments 263(4)
Index 267