List of Illustrations
Foreword xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Chronology xix
Introduction 1(5)
``Delightfully Situated on a Healthy Hill'': The Port of Portland before the Civil War
Black Fades to Green on the Waterfront: Nineteenth-Century Social, Racial, and Ethnic Change
A Mixed Blessing: Portland at the Turn of the Twentieth-Century
Lost Strikes and Union Affiliation: Early Twentieth-Century Labor Militancy Alongshore
Apex of the Union and Catholic Hierarchical Influence
Longshore Culture and the Decline of the Port of Portland in the Mid-to Late Twentieth Century
Conclusion: The Port of Portland in the Twenty-First Century and Its Maritime Future 181(14)
Appendix A. Portland Town 195(2)
Appendix B. Day of the Clipper 197(2)
Appendix C. PLSBS Retirement List as of January 1983 199(2)
Appendix D. Oral Histories 201(2)
Appendix E. Longshore Nicknames 203(12)
Appendix F. Membership Levels of the Portland Longshoremen's Benevolent Society 215(4)
Notes 219(24)
Bibliography 243(26)
Index 269